BOBdriving: Privacy Policy(1.0)

This is Privacy Policy of BOBdriving, Rue d’Arlon 51a, 1040 Brussels, Belgium

Who will process your data?

The Controller of your data is the Provider and the Driver, if applicable, who is booked by you for the Transport Services (the Provider and the Driver further referred to as “Data Controller”). You may reach each Data Controller at their registered address or at the email

Why Data Controllers process your data, what personal
data is involved and what are the legal grounds?

We as BOBdriving are processing your data for the following purposes:

  1. To provide the Booking Services: In order to fulfill our contractual obligations to you under the Terms of Use.
    This includes an obligation to connect you as the User with BOBdriving, to connect the BOBdriving partner with you the User and transfer a payment from BOBdriving to his partner on your behalf, to send you notifications according to your settings. This is the fulfillment of the contract between you and us. For this
    purpose, we may use your data that you have provided to us or will provide in the future by ordering or using the Booking Services.
  2. To send newsletters: If you have subscribed to a newsletter, we will occasionally send you a newsletter about our Booking Services to fulfill your order. If you have registered on the Site and have not refused receiving newsletters about our Booking Services, we may occasionally send you such a newsletter
    because it is our legitimate interest. You can reject newsletters at anytime, as described below. If we explicitly ask you if you want to receive our newsletter and you do not confirm your interest, we take it as a refusal to process and we will not send you newsletters.
  3. To protect our rights: We may need to process your information to claim or protect our rights. Such purpose is our legitimate interest and we may use your information that you have provided to us or will provide in the future by ordering or using the Booking Services.
  4. To promote our Booking Services, Transport Services and the Site: If you submit a review of the Booking Services, Transport Service or the Site, we may process the personal information included in such review to promote our Booking Services, Transport Service and the Site. Such purpose is our legitimate interest.

The Driver processes your data:
A) To provide you with the Transport Service: That is a fulfillment of a contract between you and the Driver. For this purpose, the Driver may use your data that you have provided to us or to the Driver or will provide in the future, to the extent necessary for the Transport Service and its processing.
B) To protect Driver’s rights: Drivers may need to process your information to claim or protect their rights. Such purpose is their legitimate interest and the Driver may use your information that you have provided to us or to the Driver or will provide in the future by ordering or using the Booking Services or Transport Services.

If you disclose any personal information to the Driver during the Transport Services, the Driver may further process it as agreed between you and the Driver.

How long will we or the Driver process your data?

Data according to subparagraph (1) and (A) – provision of services – will be processed for the duration of your registration.
Data according to subparagraph (2) – sending newsletters – will be processed until you refuse receiving newsletters.
Data according to subparagraph (3), (4) and (B) – protection of our and the Driver’s rights and promotion of our services – will be processed until the legitimate interest lasts.

To whom we may share your data?

We may transmit your data to other processors who provide us with IT, marketing and other support services, always in accordance with the above-mentioned purposes. If we transmit your data outside of the EU, protection of the data will be ensured under standard contractual clauses or under the Privacy Shield arrangement as applied to
USA. Additional information may be obtained on the European Commission’s websites.

Your rights

Legal rules on personal data protection guarantee you various rights in the area of personal data protection: To the extent guaranteed by legal rules on personal data protection – especially GDPR – You may request access to your data from us information about what your specific data we process and how do we work with them); you may request restriction of the processing your data (which means that we do not delete the data but we will not work with them); you may request data deletion and correction (always if the legal conditions are met); and you also have the right to object to the processing of data and you may exercise your right to data portability. To exercise any of these rights, contact us via the contact details stated above – the easiest way is to send us an email to and we would be glad to help you exercise your rights. If you believe that we are violating legal rules by processing your personal data, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the national supervising authority.

Objections against processing:

If you do not agree with using your data to sending newsletters, you may refuse it. The easiest way is to use the link that is in each newsletter, or you can send us an objection by email or letter and, if technically possible, even when you register. If you refuse such processing, we will stop sending you newsletters. You may also refuse other processing based on a legitimate interest and we will limit processing, unless we prove serious and qualified legitimate reasons for processing.